What Your Optical Store Can Learn From: Apple

Apple is the first public company in history to surpass a $1 trillion valuation…ever. Yep, you read that right, the tech giant is the most valuable publicly-traded company in the history of the world. For reference, that means Apple is valued higher than the GDP of 183 of the world’s 199 countries, including Sweden, Argentina and Turkey. To help you understand this better, in Q4 of 2018, Apple sold 849,000 iPhones a day, or 35,000 iPhones an hour, or 590 every minute. And that’s just iPhones. Bottom line, there’s a lot we can learn from Apple, so let’s dive into what made them the epitome of business success, shall we?

5 Reasons Social Media is Crucial for your Optical Business

Many optical store owners believe that social media is an optional part of running a business, but the reality is your social media channels are now essential to your success. Haven’t jumped onto the always-connected social media bandwagon just yet? Well, here are the reasons why you need to add social media to your business marketing strategy in 2020 (or sooner):

3 Affordable & Effective Tips for Marketing your Optical Retail Business

One of the biggest struggles optical businesses face is getting new clientele through the door. It is always important to remember, however, that you are in a highly competitive market, which means it is of the utmost importance to take time out of your jam-packed schedule to think about marketing strategies so you can take your practice to the next level.